There is a great amount of uncertainty on the horizon. Rising COVID-19 cases, inflation, and ongoing supply chain disruptions are just some of the concerns on the minds of every retailer, supplier, and consumer. Despite these challenges, we are currently experiencing a “snapback” effect that is helping to keep the economy afloat. The pent-up demand to spend stems from the multiple years of restricted commerce during the pandemic, yet there is always the chance that it could drop off. To prevent an economic hardship for your company, we must persevere through current concerns and avoid being stagnant.

The past few years have been a rollercoaster that has reshaped the economy; however, we have been here before. CSG was created during The Great Depression and our business was designed to help others through that difficult time. In addition, The Great Recession has better prepared for the economic turmoil that is occurring now. The way forward is through.

Companies and consumers have been waiting for the smoke to clear for years now. The “perfect time” to make a move or invest in your business is a myth. History has shown that those who wait for hard economic times to pass often fail. Seeking new business and improving your own may seem difficulty now, yet it will pay dividends in the future. Many industries have improved their forecasted revenue in markets like restaurant & grocery and are showing vast improvements. These are good signs that we can make it through this economy and thrive. For that reason, suppliers cannot afford to wait any longer. It’s time to make the move increase your marketing and investment efforts; that is how you will make it through a tough economy.

We can’t expect gas prices to plummet overnight or see the supply chain correct itself in the next month. June is coming to a close and there is only half of 2022 remaining. There is not much time left to wait. Back to school shopping will begin soon and then that snowballs into the lucrative holiday season. If valuable products and services exist, consumers will spend regardless of the price they are paying at the pump. This will help to extend the snapback effect to provide even more opportunities for manufacturers.

The future is in our hands, and we can still make 2022 a great year. Working to mitigate inflation and supply chain issues now will remove doubt about the state of these issues in six months. We have the data you need to navigate these troubled waters. Aggressively pursue active marketing techniques (email, sending samples, social connections, paid advertising, direct dial calls, etc.) to increase your visibility and generate revenue; however, waiting idly will only deprive you of opportunity. You could wait for something to improve, or you can improve it now.