No brand lasts forever. As time passes retailers come and go; however, sometimes we see a ghost. It’s a pop-up RadioShack in a HobbyTown, a legacy brand with a new name, or a Toys “R” Us that seems different yet familiar at the same timeThese brands usually never reach their former heights, although digital marketplaces and resilient owners have given them a second chance.
Companies like Toys “R” Us and RadioShack were once dominant forces in their industries then new competitors entered into the markets and some of their staple products became obsolete. These once mighty chains were forced to close their doors and consumers thought that they were done for good. It can come as quite a surprise when someone discovers that their favorite nostalgic store has returned. These giants may no longer be trend setters, though they inspire the kind of brand loyalty that others can only hope for. Even the ultra-iconic Blockbuster has not been completely vanquished. A lone franchisee has held out with a physical store in Bend, OR and the unique situation got the documentary treatment recently. If you are more digitally inclined, Blockbuster movies are still available through DirectTV.
Other brands are revived in a more traditional manner. Charming Charlie had expanded quickly and became a staple of malls before it disappeared. Their absence was short lived as the company’s original founder purchased the trademark and reopened their first location only a year later. The company has creeped back into expansion and has found that there is still an audience for their color-coded accessories. Another apparel brand, Stein Mart, closed all of their locations recently, although they are not as dead as their vanishing storefronts would have you believe. They relaunched as an exclusively online brand, joining the growing number of retailers making the switch including Frederick’s of Hollywood, American Apparel, Juicy Couture, BeBe, and recently Lord & Taylor.
We have seen quite a number of familiar haunts come back for a second go, although some stores are resurrected in a more peculiar manner. Arthur Treacher’s was a fish & chips restaurant and now there is only one franchised location left standing in Ohio. However, Nathan’s Famous Inc. has announced that they will offer Arthur Treacher’s items on their menu. It’s possible that this old favorite could find new fans through this unique partnership and physical restaurants could be on the horizon. For retail, the most curious revival is that of F.W. Woolworth. The company was a leader that established the model for modern discount stores before it closed in 1977. You can still to visit a Woolworth today if you live abroad; however, their locations in the U.S. are sporting a different name that will be instantly familiar. Footlocker was originally created by converting the last of the Woolworth stores before they closed. The Woolworth Corporation changed their name to the Venator Group and they still operate today.
There are endless stories of retailers and restaurants that were able to take something old and make it new again. Sometimes the transformation is recognizable and at other times it is right under our nose. Brand loyalty and recognition cannot be overstated and it will always provide the opportunity for a comeback. As long as a company is willing to adapt for today’s world, there is no limit on the avenues available to stay relevant. These ghosts of retail past prove that no brand is gone forever.
#CSGpolls – Have you ever seen a retail ghost?https://t.co/LLXSdvm8Zp
— Chain Store Guide (@ChainStoreGuide) October 28, 2021