There are an estimated 5.6 million electric vehicles on the road today, which increased 64% from the same time last year. Unfortunately charging stations are still hard to find with experts estimating gas stations outnumber EV (electric vehicle) stations seven to one. Even with the demand for stations, there’s a lack of supply; manufacturers aren’t building the charging units, which seems like an oversight to anyone looking at the number of electric vehicles on the road.
Technology is moving fast, and for companies to keep up, change is a must. Walmart recently announced its intention to become the largest retailer to offer electric charging stations in the U.S. The company already hosts 120 EV fast-charging stations across 34 states with plans to install up to 1,000 units by end of 2019.along interstate routes. Currently, drivers traveling across I-44, I-45, I-35 from Texas to Illinois, and I-95 from Washington D.C. to Savannah, GA will have the luxury of stopping for a charge while shopping. With over 4,000 stores, there’s a long way to go to get stations in each of its locations, but with an average of three units a day being built, the retailer will reach its goal in no time.
Hundreds of restaurants across the country have also been installing charging units, and most recently hotels have realized there is a high demand for EV stations. With the excitement of electric vehicles growing, adding charging stations to any parking lot is smart business. The demand by retailers for EV stations is there, with over 1,700 companies in CSG’s Retail Technology Database, suppliers need only take advantage of the opportunity.