CSG CONNECTed is an educational resource designed to empower and guide our customers to get the most out of their online leads portals whether you are in the office, attending trade shows, networking events, conferences, or on the go.
Our export options make it easy to download and save your results into a format that fits your specific needs. This function is only available to those who have the Pro, Plus, or Premier databases. Log into your account on your desktop, smart phone or tablet to access your database and get started.
How to Export Your Results
After you have made all your search selections and run your query, click on the gray “Export” button which is located below the word “Download”.
A box will pop up, allowing you to select from a list of fields to include in your export. You will have the option to select all (default option) or clear the checkmarks and make your selections.
On the right, next to the field options, are several export formats to choose from, which include Excel, Comma Delimited (csv), CRM, Outlook, and more. Select the option that works best for you, then click “Export Now” and “Download”. Your file will download to the default location you’ve set in your browser. Navigate to the folder your file downloaded to and double click to open it. If you do not see the file download, please check your browser’s settings.
If you require any assistance or wish to upgrade your database to include exporting, please contact us and your Account Manager can help you over the phone or via a screen share conference.
Check out the other tutorials in our CSG CONNECTed archive