3130 William Pitt Way
Pittsburg, PA 15238
(412) 828-2323

Total Stores

Total Sales
$61.2 million (e)

Year Founded

Trading Areas

Senior Executives
Chairman + CEO: Frank Filmeck
CFO: Nicholas DeMao
VP Operations: Dave Miller


Big or small, Chain Store Guide’s Database of Home Center Operators & Hardware Chains tracks them all. Headquartered in Pittsburg and serving the tristate area of Western Pennsylvania, Eastern Ohio and West Virginia since 1962, Busy Beaver Building Centers Inc. is growing after CEO Frank Filmeck’s purchase of the company in 2013. Expansion in 2016 was the result of Busy Beaver joining the True Value cooperative. The company opened True Value of Moon Township in July and purchased True Value of Latrobe later in the year. Another True Value addition can’t be ruled out in 2017.


busy beaver

Source: Chain Store Guide Database of Home Center Operators & Hardware Chains.