Personnel Updates

Louisiana-Pacific Corp. announced a number of executive changes. Jason Ringblom will become Exec VP and General Manager of Oriented Strand Board (OSB), Neil Sherman will become Exec VP and General Manager of Engineered Wood Products (EWP),  Mike Sims will lead the EWP business in addition to his sales and marketing responsibilities, and Craig Sichling will be promoted to VP Specialty Sales and Marketing.

McCoy’s Building Supply promoted Megan McCoy Jones to Exec VP and COO.

Sherwood Lumber Corp. promoted Jason Rastad to Regional Director, Engineered Wood and Specialty Products.

Spahn & Rose Lumber Co. President and CEO John Hannan plans to retire early next year.

US LBM Holdings announced that Patrick McGuiness has joined the company as Exec VP and CFO, taking over for Rick Kolaczweski who left the company to pursue other opportunities.


Financial Focus

Beacon Roofing Supply reported fiscal sales of $4.13 billion (FYE 9.30.16) up from $2.52 billion last year, largely off the back of the October 2015 acquisition of Roofing Supply Group.

Industry Insight

Somerville Lumber Co. (Bridgewater, NJ) will soon be doubling the size of its 3,000 sq. ft. Deck Center Outdoor Living Showroom.

Mergers and Acquisitions

Beacon Roofing Supply acquired BJ Supply, a distributor in Philadelphia.

Cedar Creek Inc. acquired Kansas City, MO lumber wholesaler Thomas Nielsen Wholesale.

Eldredge Lumber and Hardware, a five-store operation in Maine, purchased the business assets of Rufus Deering Lumber Company (Portland, ME) and will bring its operations and employees into the fold at the Eldredge Portland store.

Hardware Distribution Warehouses Inc. acquired Houston-based Handy Hardware from World and Main LLC and will retire the “Handy Hardware” name and brand.

William B. Morse Lumber Company (New York) acquired Rochester Lumber Company.

Westlake Ace Hardware purchased two Wichita, KS stores from Williams Ace Hardware, bringing its store count to 98.

Real Estate

Watseka Rural King Supply Inc. opened a store in Lima, OH this month, its first Big R store in the state. Plans call for another Ohio store (in Findlay) to open in early 2017.

Weyerhaeuser Co. has moved its headquarters from Federal Way, WA to downtown Seattle.