Builders FirstSource Expands With Extreme Aggression

2001 Bryan St   Ste 1600
Dallas, TX 75201-3017

214 880-3500

Internet Homepage

Total Current Stores

Total Annual Sales

Senior Executives
Floyd F. Sherman- CEO
M. Chad Crow- President, COO, CFO


Founded in 1998, Builders FirstSource experienced rapid success and grew through aggressive expansion through the building boom of the late 90’s.  Expansion was forged primarily through the strategic acquisition of independent lumberyards and manufacturing plants in markets which the company saw as complimentary to its original base.

The recession was as devastating for this regionally focused company, as it was for most dealers in this segment of the industry.  The company consolidated its locations prudently and saw annual sales decline from $2.3 billion for 2005 down to $667 million for 2009.  Since then annual sales have increased steadily to the current $1.6 billion.

This consistent, growing sign of corporate health has led to a major recent announcement from the company.  Builders FirstSource announced that it has entered into an agreement to acquire ProBuild in an all-cash transaction valued at approximately $1.63 billion.  The deal is expected to close during the second half of 2015.  This is an all cash deal, a sure sign of the prudent strength from which Builders FirstSource operates.

The post-acquisition power is anticipated to operate as a diversified, nationally focused, pro dealer with approximately $6 billion in sales.  While Builders FirstSource certainly fought hard to survive the recession as most of pro dealers did, they seem to be thriving as the industry hopes to enter an era which is cleanly post-recessionary.