The trendy women’s clothing retailer, Dots, shuttered all 359 stores when it went bankrupt last spring. But recently a new owner has been reopening stores. The Dots private-brand name and website were purchased and New Dots LLC was born. The new private company is headquartered in Miami, FL.

The new company has a new leader. CEO Swapnil Shah thinks he can make the company work by being more selective about locations. One of the factors that drove the former chain to bankruptcy, he said, was expansion into the wrong high-rent areas. The fast-fashion brand, he says, is alive and well.

Dots was a retail chain that sold women’s apparel and accessories. The brand catered to young women who are both fashion and price conscious. Dots stores were primarily located in high traffic power centers, regional and community shopping centers. New Dots, LLC will continue to focus on the same customer, while being more selective with the site selections of its new stores.

New Dots, LLC hopes to enhance the customer’s in-store experience, through associates who love fashion. The company’s website states that it wasn’t given previous employees’ information, but that it is open to hiring former employees. With CEO Swapnil Shah in the lead, the new Dots family has over 50 years of experience in women’s apparel.

The company has aggressive plans to re-launch Dots’ presence in the market. New location information will be posted on Facebook and its website, It’s not clear which stores will be reopened. New Dots, LLC says it will open some in former locations and also open new locations. The new retailer already opened 8 new Dots stores in Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania this year. These are currently the only locations listed on the company’s website. The company says it will open 120 Dots stores by the end of the year. At the moment online shopping is not available, but there are plans to launch e-commerce sales again soon.